Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting where your privacy is one of our primary concerns. Please find information below on the type of personal information we collect when you visit our site and how it is protected. Please use our site with the confidence that we will not sell or disclose your information to third parties.

1. Site Traffic Data

In order to analyze site traffic for improved performance and quality, the IP address used to access the site as well as the date and time the site is accessed will be logged. The logged IP addresses are not linked to any personally identifiable information. The information is solely used to analyze site traffic trends for internal purposes.

2. Third party websites used as resources

In order to provide further resources, we will occasionally provide links to other websites not owned or operated by us. Please review their privacy practices before using their sites. We do not have any control and are not responsible for other sites privacy practices.

3. Google Advertising

This website uses Google Adsense for advertisements as a form of support. Google uses technology such as cookies and web beacons to collect information including the browser you used to visit the site, your IP address, your ISP, and in instances, whether you have Flash installed. This is generally done to show ads based on the viewers browsing history (such as showing school ads to someone visiting school sites) using geotargeting. To opt out of the use of the DART cookie, visit the Google ad and content network privacy policy at the following URL:

4. Amazon Affiliate Links is participating in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. This is an advertising program that allows affiliated independent sites earn small commissions by advertising and linking to products on Amazon offers a small commission on products sold during sessions started via their affiliate links. These purchases come at NO additional cost to you.

By linking to an Amazon product with our specific ID, any purchases made at through the affiliate link within 24 hours provides with a small commission. These are not “pay-per-click” but any purchases made within that 24 hour period through the link will provide a commission.

5. Your Consent

By using, you are consenting to the collection and use of information by as detailed above. Any updates to the privacy policy will be posted on this page.